Conservation experiences in the Atlantic Forest fragment of the Botanical Garden of Recife
Bruna T. de Oliveira; Ladivania M. do Nascimento; Rosemary R. F. Coimbra; Adriana M. de Souza
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Variation of grinellian niche in a neotropical disjunct species
Jefferson Rodrigues Maciel
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Antibacterial activity of preparations from Moringa oleifera leaf containing trypsin inhibitor
Maiara C. de Moura; Raissa M. Mendonça; Patrícia M. G. Paiva; Luana C. B. B. Coelho
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Evaluation of allelopathic potential of Piper corcovadensis on the germination of Lactuca sativa
Afonso C. A. Neto; Uilian do Nascimento B.; Amanda L. B. Monteiro
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Interference of aqueous extract from Tradescantia spathacea leaves with the nutritional physiology of maize weevil, Stophilus zeamais
Thamara F. Procópio; Bernardo do Rego B.; Patrícia M. G. Paiva; Afonso C. A. Neto; Emmanuel V. Portugal; Thiago H. Napoleão
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